Making Your Warehouse a Much Safer Workplace to Work In

Running a warehouse means that you are dealing with a lot of logistical items ranging from food to chemicals. All of these items should be properly handled, or else, chances of accidents and untoward incidents will increase. Knowing the risks that come with running a warehouse, you have to understand that when an accident happens, the operations will be disrupted, your employees may get hurt, and your reputation may get damaged. This is the very reason you should make sure that you assess the safety of the workplace.

Other than proper and thorough assessment, you are also expected to come up with a viable emergency or contingency plan. Such plans will help you salvage your employees and equipment in case an emergency or a disaster happens. If you believe that your business’ preparations and protocols are not enough, here are some of the things that you should start taking into account:

Assess your warehouse operations

The first step that you should take is to assess your warehouse thoroughly. This is especially important if your facility has not changed its configurations for the longest time. Ideally, the warehouse assessment can be done yearly or twice a year. Assess the items and equipment that your employees use for work. Other than that, you will have to look into certain practices and workflow and decide whether you will keep them or get rid of them (depending on the hazards that will come with it).

operations meeting

Identify the common risks

When you are assessing your warehouse operations, you will be able to see the risks that may endanger the facility and your employees. The risks in the facility may include the electrical systems, the machinery, and the volatility of materials. Once the risks are identified, you will have to address them as soon as possible. For one, if the oil leaks are a common risk, you may address them through the use of IBC containment pallets.

Plan your emergency protocols

You have a lot of employees, and if your protocols are not clear, panic and chaos will ensue. This is what you are trying to prevent, so make sure that your instructions are clear and specific. There should be specific responses and protocols for each type of disaster and contingency. A third-party safety advisor may help.

Train, train, and train

The key safety personnel in your warehouse are supposed to manage the emergency protocols and the dissemination of information. In this regard, you are supposed to train them properly. A third-party training organization can make this much easier and more efficient.

Accidents and untoward incidents happen spontaneously. They are unpredictable, and when they happen, their effects can be grave and overwhelming. They can disrupt the continuity of your business and make you lose your profits in the process. To start drafting your emergency plan, you should first assess your company’s operations and identify the high-risk aspects. It is also important that you know a few suppliers and partners that will help you draft your emergency plans and protocols.

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