Using Facebook’s Free Features to Sell a Home amid a Pandemic

For many, Facebook is a thing of the past. They have found better platforms to sell their products… or are those platforms really better? There’s much to be said about Facebook. We’ve seen the big names speaking about it and the privacy concerns people have about Facebook. But despite that, the social media behemoth remains the largest platform you can use to reach your audience here and abroad. Facebook has over 2.81 billion active users in August 2021. No social media platform tops that.

Thankfully, despite Facebook displaying ads on the side of your screen, many of its business features remain free. If you are not taking advantage of this for your small real estate business, you’re not going to expand your reach. Yes, Facebook is more than about fake news, misinformation, live selling, online shops, and rumormongering. It’s a solid place for real estate, too, especially when so many people don’t know what to do because of the pandemic.

Create a Real Estate Farming or Business Page

Facebook allows more than a personal page. It also provides an avenue for businesses and special interests. You can create two kinds of Facebook pages—one is a farming page (which generates more followers), while the other one is a professional real estate broker page. Link the two pages together. The farming page could be a collection of beautiful homes in your area. For example, Beautiful Modern Homes Melbourne. You will only be posting gorgeous modern homes in the Melbourne area.

The point of linking your professional Facebook page is so that followers know who is behind the page. That’s one way of marketing what you can do for them. Make sure you’ll only list properties that are available for sale or that are in your inventory. Otherwise, you’ll be fooling your followers.

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Engage Using Your Professional Page

Anyone interested in buying property will have plenty of questions about real estate amid a pandemic. They are looking for experts, but they’re not willing to pay for advice. So, why not host a question-and-answer on your page? Don’t pin the post because you want followers to keep coming back to your page to engage. Instead, host a live one where you answer most of their questions about finding and dealing with home brokers. Make sure to advertise the Q&A session because this will provide an opportunity for you to reach out to potential clients.

Post YouTube Videos

Make sure to give free tours of the properties that you are selling. Upload them on YouTube before pasting the link on the Facebook page. Remember that when you do this, you are leading followers to another social media platform that can generate revenues and awareness. It’s a win-win situation. Try not to put all the details in the video because you want to create a sense of mystery surrounding the properties that you sell. If they are really interested, they will ask for more details about these properties.

Join Facebook Groups

Like LinkedIn, Facebook also offers a way to expand your network. You can reach out to new markets by joining various Facebook groups dedicated to professions, interests, industries, etc. A quick search on the social media platform will land you on the juiciest groups where you can offer sales advice. Make sure not to outrightly sell (or sell every time you talk) because that will make everyone dubious of your intentions. Instead, genuinely offer good advice without needing to market or advertise your business every time.

Create Your Own Group

If you cannot find a group that fits what you are looking for, create one yourself. With a Facebook page, you can add members, make some of them co-administrators, publish articles, write blogs, discuss with members, and meet a few prospects. The members there will see you as an industry leader. If they need or want a product or service that you offer, yours is the first name in their minds.

Host Virtual Events

You can also host webinars and other live events for your followers. Create an event page. Ask friends to like the event and spread the event to their network. The good thing about an event page is you can see how many are interested and how many can attend the event virtually. You can also ask for feedback from the attendees afterward.

Facebook may not have the prettiest reputation in terms of its impact on society and other cultural and privacy issues. But when it comes to marketing and advertising, it remains to be the top dog. Most of its features are free or cheaper compared to other tools. To top it all off, it has a wide reach.

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