Marketing Trends

Woman using a vr

Five Modern Forms of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses a variety of online marketing tactics. Due to the ever-growing popularity of digital media, it’s no surprise that businesses are using more and more digital marketing techniques to reach consumers. The entire market is worth over $350 billion. Such a vast industry is always constantly changing, and […]

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two men in suit

Sorting out the Legalities: Hiring a Foreign Worker for Your Company

There are a few primary reasons businesses tend to hire foreign workers over locals. One reason is that hiring a foreigner is often much simpler and less bureaucratic than hiring a domestic worker. Additionally, foreign workers may be willing to work for lower wages than their American counterparts, and they often have more experience in

Sorting out the Legalities: Hiring a Foreign Worker for Your Company Read More

brand pointing finger

Five Business Trends That Are Influencing How Entrepreneurs Market Their Brands

Entrepreneurs and small business owners must stay ahead of the curve to succeed in today’s business climate. Marketing is a constantly-evolving field, and keeping up with the latest trends is essential for success. Here are five business trends that are changing the marketing game: Consumers Becoming More Eco-Conscious As consumers become more and more aware

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advertising to gen z

What Gen Z Wants To See in Advertising

Generation Z, sometimes referred to as Zoomers, is dramatically different from its predecessors. This generation is the first to be born and raised in a world where they can freely access the internet and navigate the digital world as well as the real one. Non-stop entertainment is more accessible than ever before, giving this generation

What Gen Z Wants To See in Advertising Read More

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